
Non-Refundable Application Fee: Single - $25.00/Couple - $40.00

Personal Debrief
Single: $1,375.00 includes debriefing, accommodations, breakfast and lunch food
Couple: $2,375.00 includes debriefing, accommodations, breakfast and lunch food

Food is provided for you to make your breakfast and lunch in your gourmet kitchen. For dinners please plan to go out for dinner or purchase food at the local store.

Transportation: If desired, we offer a round trip to Glacier National Airport (FCA) for $35.00.

Emmaus Encounter is able to offer these prices because a small group of donors partner with us subsidizing up to 60% of the actual cost for each week of debriefing. Specifically, the first class accommodations are being generously offered for only $35 a day! We are blessed to have such committed people supporting Emmaus Encounter debriefing.

If you haven’t already had a chance to read some of the testimonials from those who have been with us, please do so; it will bring a greater understanding of why we do what we do.

Thank you for helping us “serve those who serve others.”

Andrew and Janet

As a 501 (c) 3 non profit your contribution to Emmaus Encounter is tax deductible.


If you are looking to make a donation to Emmaus Encounter, please click on the PayPal button (below) and it will take you right to PayPal to make your donation.

Thank you in advance for your gift to Emmaus!

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