About Us

Our Mission
"To Serve those who serve others"
To provide a safe place for men and women of the Christian faith to process events of the past, so that they may grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and move forward in health.
Andrew and Janet Kerr
- Andy and Janet - Le Rucher Ministries certified debriefers and coaches
- Andy - Doorways Ministries: Completed 9 month St Ignatius Disciplines program.
- Janet - Christian Formation and Direction Ministries: 2015 Completed 4 years. Spiritual Formation 1 and Spiritual Director programs
- Andy and Janet - Christian Formation and Direction Ministries: 2017 Attending Spiritual Formation 2
– Youth With A Mission: Kona Hawaii, Hong Kong. PNG, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, American Samoa, Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Borneo, India, Ceylon.
– Eastside Foursquare Church: College, Missions and Pastoral Care Pastor
– Kerr Corporation, WA. (Television, Publishing and L & I)
– International Cooperating Ministries, Hampton VA: VP Communications
– International Missions Projects and Construction Teams, Bellevue, WA: COO and Missions Teams Leader
– Youth With A Mission, Lakeside MT. Director of Communications & Development. Director of Critical Services. Staff Development.
– Present Emmaus Encounter Inc: Founders
- Anglican Frontier Missions
- Christian Formation and Direction Ministries
- Doorways Ministry
- Le Rucher Ministries
- Youth With A Mission, Lakeside, Montana
What we Believe
As believers we are called to Love God and Love our neighbors as ourselves. Matthew 22:37-40… Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
Love God
We believe that God is The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Three in One and One in Three. We Love and worship the God of Creation and the creator and designer of mankind. We also believe that the Holy Scriptures are God inspired and inerrant.
Love our Neighbors
We believe that all men/women of all nations, tribes and tongues are our neighbors and that we are to love them; be a listening ear, and offer them grace and understanding.
Love Ourselves
We believe that a healthy understanding of who you are as a created Son/Daughter of God is key to being able to serve others (our neighbors). This is not "narcissistic introspection" but a real self awareness.
We believe we are all “called” of God to Love Him, our neighbors and ourselves. We are given assignments by God out of the foundation of this calling. As long as we are surrendered to God and fulfilling this Scripture then we can NEVER loose our calling, yet our assignments can change.